
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2024

Kim Petras

The singer has dreamed of pop ubiquity since she was a teen-ager. It was initially released on 3 December 2021 as the planned second single from her second studio album ProblématiquePetras wrote the track with Lil Aaron and its producers Aaron Joseph Dr. Entertainment Tonight The 30-year-old singer made history at the 65th Grammy Awards by becoming the. . Luke Housefly Rocco Did It Again. Web After spending 2023 failing to solidify her status as Republic Records next mainstream pop princess Kim Petras has returned back to her roots with her fourth EP. Web Kim Petras made history on Sunday as the first transgender woman to win the Grammy Award for pop duogroup performance. In her mind shes just getting started. Web David Guetta Kim Petras When We Were Young The Logical Song Official Video Sam Smith Kim Petras Unholy Official Music Video Play Video. Web CNN Sam Smith and Kim Petras have made history after becoming the first o...

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